Photo credit: Obadiah George
Congratulations to BCC Choir II/Cantabile, Chamber Choir, BCYC, Octava, and the entire BCC staff team for your outstanding achievements at the National Federation of Music Festivals!
Community Choir, 25 years of age and under
First Place/1er prix - Bach Chamber Youth Choir, ON - Director/Directeur: James Pinhorn
Community Choir, 12 years of age and under
First Place/1er prix Bach Children's Chorus - Choir II & Cantabile, ON - Director/Directrice: Charissa Bagan
Second Place/2e prix British Columbia Girls Choir - Juniors, BC - Director/Directrices: Fiona Blackburn & Sandra Meister
Community Choir, 19 years of age and under
First Place/1er prix Pembina Trails Voices – Cantemus, MB - Director/Directrice: Valdine Anderson
Second Place/2e prix Bach Children’s Chorus, Chamber Choir, ON - Director/Directrice: Charissa Bagan
Ensemble Choir 6-12 singers
First Place/1er prix Holy Heart Madrigal Choir, NL - Director/Directeur: Robert Colbourne
Second Place/2e prix Octava Vocal Ensemble, ON